Thursday 10th July 2025 to Sunday 13th July 2025
Venue:- Mr Moo’s Touring Park, Skipsea, East Yorkshire, YO25 8SY
Directions:- Take B1242 (Hornsea Road) from Skipsea to Hornsea. In one mile turn L into Mr Moo’s car park then continue straight through car park and follow MWY signs.
Attractions:- Mr Moo’s Ice Cream Parlour (30 different flavours). Café serving breakfast 10:00-11:30, dog-friendly restaurant serving meals until 14:00. Private path to a beautiful beach.
Rally Fee:- £12.00 per night.
Deposit:- None
Van Limit:- 10
Rally Opens:- 12:00
Rally Closes:- 12:00
Payment Info:-.To book phone or email marshals. Full rally fee required on arrival. Cash payments or cheques payable to Caravan Club Mid West Yorkshire Centre
Marshals:- Frank & Janet Hemingway
Phone:- 07506 718377
Assistants:- Malcolm Jarvis