A Rally is simply a gathering of Caravan Club members for a weekend or holiday, to promote friendship and pursue many pleasures, pastimes and sport, in a light-hearted manner and have some fun along the way. You should never feel obliged to join in anything which does not interest you.
The Rally Marshal is an ordinary member who has volunteered to organise and run the Rally. This usually includes:
1. Arranging the Rally with the landowner
2. Signing the approach to the Rally field
3. Marking out the Rally Field to ensure ample space is left between caravans.
4. Arranging a water supply and facilities for the disposal of waste water and toilet waste.
5. Organising competitions and entertainment for all ages. This may include a social event for both adults and children, or a party on the field in summer, with sporting and charity events and walks throughout the season.
The Rally Marshal may also obtain newspapers and occasionally fresh milk, in accordance with your instructions on the rally booking slip.
The Rally usually starts at 5 p.m., unless stated otherwise. This is to allow the Rally Marshal sufficient time to prepare, so please do not arrive before the time the Rally is due to open.
On arrival at the Rally field report to the Rally Marshal. The Rally Marshal will hand you an envelope containing the programme of activities and simple advice on local amenities, restrictions and arrangements for waste water etc. Please advise the Rally Marshal if this is your first Rally. The Rally Marshal may direct you to a pitch or ask you to choose your own. You can usually save a space for a friend by placing something large on an adjacent marker.
If the Yellow Flag is flown during the Rally, this indicates that vehicle movement is restricted, in which case you must consult the Rally Marshal before moving your car.
Towards the end of the Rally there will be a ‘Round the Flag’. This is where Ralliers gather at the Marshal’s van to hear the results of the competitions, welcome visitors and new Ralliers and announce forthcoming events. Finally, thanks will be extended to the Marshals and others who have helped to make the rally possible.
The Rally Fee (which you pay on arrival, unless otherwise stated) includes your pitch, competitions and activities on the field. Optional extras are milk, papers, admission to socials and suppers - all at a modest cost.
All you need, in addition to the items you would normally take to a commercial site, is:
1. Your own toilet, together with a container to fill it (toilets must never be emptied, rinsed or filled at a drinking water tap as this constitutes a serious health hazard).
2. A waste bin for dry waste, which you have to take home with you.
3. Wedges and chocks for levelling your van on sloping fields
Why not give it a try? If in doubt give us a ring (any Committee Member or Rally Marshal in the book). Don’t forget - we all rally for pleasure, and our aim is to share this pleasure with you.