Friday 18th April 2025 to Tuesday 22nd April 2025
Venue:- Irton Mount, Scarborough, YO12 5TG
Directions:- Off A64 into Seamer to roundabout. Turn R to Scarborough. In 200 yards turn L into Haggs Road, then turn L onto unclassified road. Turn L at T junction onto A170. Follow MWY signs.
Attractions:- On bus route to Scarborough. Weather permitting – socials on field in farm building most nights. Supper Saturday & Sunday night.
Rally Fee:- £12.00 per night
Deposit:- None
Van Limit:- 20
Rally Opens:- 12:00
Rally Closes:- 12:00
Payment Info:- Cash or Cheques payable to Caravan Club Mid West Yorkshire Centre.
Other Info:- To book text the marshals with:- name, mem no, mobile, car reg, rally & dates.
Marshals:- Malcolm Jarvis
Phone:- 07764 721182
Email:- allertonb123@googlemail.com
Assistants:- Frank & Janet Hemingway